Welcome to the Club of parents and friends of Věra Čáslavská elementary school

English website under construction. Please refer to the Czech website for current information. Thank you for understanding.

Activity plan

We will gradually add more information on individual events!


2. 9. 2024

We are a group of parents and friends of Věra Čáslavská elementary school who care about our school and therefore we want to support it as much as we can in cooperation with the school management and the teaching staff. We believe that a functioning community can be built even at a big school.
Our aim is to help Věra Čáslavská elementary school develop into the best school for our children which they will remember with love and understanding years later, so that they like to go there, feel safe there and acquire the knowledge and skills needed for life in the 21st century.

Zš Věry Čáslavské

Our activities

What are our goals?

  • Inform the public about the educational goals and tasks of the school.
  • Cooperate with the school management and familiarize them with topics, comments and complaints of parents.
  • Contribute to the school with voluntary support, both material and financial, in providing educational activities and improving (not only) material conditions at the school.
  • Support school's international relations, submit applications for grants for educational purposes and activities of interest. 
  • Organize cultural, educational and social events to improve cooperation of parents with the school and children.

How do we finance our activities?

Main sources of income are following:

  • donations and contributions of legal entities and individuals institutional donation and grants
  • income from club´s own economic activity that is a secondary (supplementary) activity of the club
  • property transferred to the ownership of the association or acquired as a gift
  • state subsidies